Public Arts Commission: Request use of Public Land / Funding

*The Public Arts Commission is not currently in a funding cycle. 


The Akron Public Art Program is dedicated to celebrating the cultural vitality of the people of Akron and promoting economic vibrancy throughout Akron through the integration of high-quality artwork into public places.

Learn more about the Public Arts Commission on our website. 

Requesting Use of Public Land

This form is the first step in the process of requesting the use of public land for your art installation. Depending on your proposed project, you may need to gain approval from different city/county departments. The application asks a few specific questions to help us determine what those approvals would be. Should you need departmental approvals, you will receive a notice in your email from Submittable with instructions on how to proceed. 

Example: Your proposal is a mural on a commercial building, over the public sidewalk, and requires scaffolding to complete. After you submit this form, the commission reviews, and grants permission to proceed. You will then receive an additional form through Submittable with instructions to apply with the City's Plans and Permits department. Once you receive your permit from Plans and Permits, you'll return to the additional form, upload a copy of your permit, and submit it to the Public Arts Commission for final approval. 

Requesting Funding

-The Public Arts Commission is not currently in a funding cycle. 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.